Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I Learned the difference of Algorithm and Flowcharting that An Algorithm is a specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem, usually with the requirement that the procedure terminate at some point. Specific algorithms sometimes also go by the name method, procedure or technique and that A flowchart is a common type of chart that represents a process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows and that Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields. Labels: algorithm and flowcharting...
I also learned how to make a flowchart of simple problems using flowcharting symbols that we have taken up and also Its Pseudocode.
NaMe: MaRc IaN A. CoRtEs
AgE: 15 YeArS AnD 3 MoNtHs OlD
Location: MaGaLlAnEs St. SaN MiGuEl MaGaRao CaM. SuR
Naruto- Masashi Kishimoto
Layout- Icylightningstar Designs